It's been a while now since I've written anything only in English, and I just thought now is the time to do it. Why? Because people nowadays seem to forget that English is important, and by knowing how to speak a foreign language, any language, not just English, you can communicate with other people from God knows where around the world.
What's been bugging me since yesterday is the fact that I realised people oftenly only see the words, but they do not understand their meaning. How so, you might ask. Well, it's like reading something you really hate, or have 0 interest in. That paragraph, that text or book is worthless to you, beacause you don't get (or you don't want to get) the idea. You just see a lot of words arranged in a complex sentence that you do not (wish to) understand. It's like when you have a great idea, and you expose it to your friends, group or team, and all they realise is the fact that you made a grammatical error when you exposed it. Don't get me wrong, the presentation is important, but it can't and will not be flawless. It's just the way your feelings are hurt when, instead of being asked and corrected in the ideas you are presented, you're just being corrected grammatically speaking. It's the lack of interest of the others that's bothering me. I mean, when you made a mistake you might've been stressed, tired, or just excited because of your level of involvment in the theme, because of your strong beliefs regarding what you were presenting. Remember, it's easy being the one who just listens to someone. It's hard being the one who speaks.
What I'd like to say, in conclusion, is that people should try to understand the meaning. You should not waste your time on meaningless details, that are often just honest mistakes.
oo :) deci nu pot sa cred ca ai deschis o tema legata de ce ti-am zis. Chiar asa te-o deranjat? Nu o fost vorba ca nu am inteles ce ai spus sau ce ai vrut sa spui. Si deaia ai scris tot in engleza super si cum spui tu "post-urile mele sunt o lectura usoara" intradevar. Si dupa mine ii usor sa vorbesti despre oricine si orice dar sa asculti pe cineva si sa il intelegi ii mai dificil, deci : It's not hard to be the one who speaks. It's hard to really listen to what someone is saying.