D'you ever wish you could turn back time? I don't
consider myself to be a person who looks
back, but from time to time, when looking at old pictures (oh well, not
that old, but still, from some years ago), I begin to think about those times,
those friends, those places... And I realize how much everything's changed. And
how I've changed. And how they've changed. When I think about it, that's what
pictures do. They take you back, they make you remember who you are. Were.

People come, people go. You might think I’d say, “You
stay the same”. But you don’t. Each interaction with each person we meet in
this life changes us in a way we don’t understand. Until we do. So do I, from
time to time, wish I could turn back time? Yes and no. Yes, because it would
make me appreciate something or someone the way I should have. No, because the
way I reacted then, makes me who I am today. And the way I react today, will
make me the person I'd be tomorrow.