Friday, 19 February 2010

Blackjack (21)

Blackjack (also known as 21). I think it's very obvious what I'm trying to say here. I just turned 21. Yesterday, on February 18th. 21. I still can't believe it. Everyone says you'll feel different, but you don't... I hate to disappoint everyone, but it's the truth. It's actually almost the same, the main difference being that you can buy and drink alcohol legally in the US. Which should be enough, actually. But some people have the tendency to feel sad that they grow older. But they should acually feel happy. It's a celebration of life.

That's why I thought that a proper way to celebrate this event would be to call up all my close friends and take them out for drinks. And, oh my, did we drink !!! The bottles of wine kept coming (for some of us) and the vodkas kept coming for others. It was such a great time. Plus, I picked up my favorite location in town: Club 30+. And it was a Wednesday evening, so we also had karaoke, which I'm very fond of. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for being there and also to thank them for the great present: a guitar. I've always wanted to play an instrument but I guess I never really went ahead and bought a guitar. I was probably a little scared of failure ? But the fact that my friends had known my wishes and desires and believed in me, has given me a lot of ambition to prove them right. So I'll study and I'll surely learn how to play it right. :D

Thanks again all of you and I really appreciate having you as my friends! :*:*:*

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

De ce intodeauna vrem mai mult?

Desi am avut rezultate extrem de bune in sesiune, ma bate gandul sa merg la mariri. Pentru ca apoi sa scriu partea a doua la Beginners guide FSEGA.

Si revin la idee: de ce intodeauna vrem mai mult decat avem ? De ce nu putem fi multumiti ? De ce sta in firea umana sa fie intr-o constanta perfectionare ? Niciodata nu e suficient ce avem si intodeauna ne dorim sa avem mai mult, mai bun, mai eficient, mai frumos, mai nou. O constanta ambitie care nu ne lasa sa fim recunoscatori (sau daca ne lasa, ne lasa pentru putin timp doar). Probabil ca societatea e de vina. Cand traiesti intr-o continua evolutie a preferintelor de consum, de cultura, intr-o lume in care modelele se schimba de la o zi la alta, cand idealurile si speranta dureaza atat de putin, nu ai cum sa iti doresti mai mult. Nu ai cum sa nu vrei o schimbare. Si daca nu o vrei, esti fortat oricum sa o accepti.

Degeaba cumperi astazi cel mai tare PC de pe piata, maine e deja depasit moral. Tehnologia evolueaza atat de repede astfel ca versiunea lansata pe piata azi ajunge la cosumatorul final atat de tarziu ca e deja "veche" cand a ajuns. Pretul e intodeauna astronomic la inceput, pentru early-adopters, care iau cea mai mare teapa cand descopera peste o luna ca au dat cu 100% in plus. Ganditi-va doar la orice produs de pe piata. Fiindca totul se dezvolta la o viteza foarte mare, producatorii planifica totul din timp. Ce acum e feature/trend-setter, peste 6 luni e deja la toate produsele. Pana la urmatorul val.

Ce am vrut sa spun cu asta? Faptul ca sta in firea umana (de fapt si tehnologia se dezvolta tot cu ajutorul factorului uman) sa doreasca mai mult. Si nu e condamnabil. Nu e rau sa vrei mai mult de la tine, de la viata, de la cei din jur. Nu e rau sa fi intr-o evolutie continua. E condamnabil sa stagnezi sau sa involuezi. E condamnabil sa te multumesti cu ce ai cand sti ca, daca ai avea doar ambitia si dorinta, ai putea avea mai mult. E condamnabil sa vezi in jurul tau evolutie si sa nu te intereseze. E usor sa ne plangem ca nu se poate, cand nici macar nu incercam. Evolution is the key in everything.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010