Historically speaking, the idea of democracy has been discussed for the first time by the ancient Greeks. They had the right to vote and to be elected, but unfortunately only the male citizens were allowed to do it. In the middle Ages, the idea of a democratic regime was widely spread but never implemented. In the 18th and 19th century democracy became very popular. The US was the first democratic country to be formed and after that democracy quickly spread all over Europe, in France, in England, Belgium and even in Romania in 1866. By the end of the 20th century even the former communist countries were liberalized and offered the population civil rights and liberties.
From a social point of view, democracy brings equality to all people. In a democratic country all people are equal in front of the law, and all people have to respect it. They have the same rights. It does not matter if you are a rock star, a big celebrity or a simple citizen, if you do not obey the rules you will have an equal trial, the right to an attorney and if found guilty, you will be convicted. Also democracy brought the elimination of enslavement and made all people equal. Nowadays all population has the right to vote and be elected. Everyone has the right to have a property, a job and their own ideas or political affiliation without being censored.
Politically speaking, a democracy brings a lot of advantages over a communist regime, for example. The main difference is of course, the freedom. A communist regime has few, if any, rights for the people. Often, the leader has all the power, and nothing can stop him. People have to be careful to what they say because they can be imprisoned for being against the regime. A communist country often has planned non-profitable economy. A democratic country has none of these. People have the right to their opinion, they have freedom of speech and no one can take these from then. Also, the economy is free, and investors are welcomed to open new businesses.
In conclusion, democracy brought and still brings rights and liberties to the population. Unlike communist regimes, a democracy brings equality to all population. Also, the economy is free and the power in a democratic country is detained by the people and for the people.
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